Oyster Bar

You’ve visited cellar-doors. You’ve chowed down on paddock-to-plate nosh. Now it’s time to experience bay-to-bar dining!

Get Shucked’s fully-licensed Oyster Bar connected to the farm. It’s the place to immerse yourself in an authentic Tassie aquaculture experience.

If you glance across the road, you’ll see the telltale buoys of the oyster farm, bobbing in the glittering bay. In the processing shed behind you, you’ll see the oysters getting sorted. And if you wander inside you can marvel at the fastest shuckers in the south as they do their thing.

Our menu features natural oysters and a variety of cooked oysters. Can’t decide? Try the fantastic Mixed Dozen – four natural, four Kilpatrick, four Asian Fusion. Oh yes, pure shucking magic! 

But let’s be honest, an oyster without a bevvy is like a kiss without a cuddle. We have a good range of Tassie wines, beers and ciders, all selected to complement those briny oyster flavours. We also sell local Tasmanian soft drinks.

If you’re catching a ferry back to the big island, or heading to the shack or your accommodation for the weekend, swing by the world’s first oyster drive-through!

We sell boxes of freshly-shucked oysters to go, with lemon wedges thrown in. If you’re feeling brave, we also sell shucking knives and live oysters (they don’t know what’s about to hit them!)


Opening Hours

9:30am - 4:30pm daily
Closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day

Please Note:

Get Shucked will be closed for renovations on the 20th & 21st of August.

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